History of Christianity

History of Christianity

Christianity has evolved over two millennia, influencing billions of lives. This page offers insights into its origins, major milestones, and its journey to the modern era.

Origins of Christianity

Christianity emerged in the 1st century CE in Judea, a Roman province. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, it spread rapidly despite persecution, with the Apostles leading the way.

The belief in Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and divinity laid the foundation for a religion that transcended cultural and geographical boundaries.

Early Growth

From its beginnings as a Jewish sect, Christianity grew through missionary efforts, particularly by Paul of Tarsus. By the 4th century, it became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.

313 CE - Edict of Milan

Emperor Constantine legalizes Christianity, marking a turning point for its growth and influence.

1054 CE - The Great Schism

The Christian Church splits into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, driven by theological and political differences.

1517 CE - Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther challenges Church practices, leading to the formation of Protestant denominations and reshaping Western Christianity.

1962–1965 CE - Second Vatican Council

The Catholic Church modernizes, introducing reforms like the use of local languages in worship and promoting unity among Christians.